
Pike Place Market, SeattleMeet the Producer at Pike Place Market, Seattle

Pike Place Market in Seattle
Pike Place Market in Seattle

Wg Wikipedii to 33-cia najbardziej odwiedzana atrakcja turystyczna na świecie. Trochę ciężko mi w to uwierzyć… Sama mogę wymyślić sporą listę miejsc, które powinny być bardzie popularne… Ale co ja tam wiem 😉
W każdym razie Pike Place na pewno warto odwiedzić.

Pike Place Market in Seattle, Main entrance
Pike Place Market in Seattle, Main entrance

Rynek zbudowany jest na brzegu stromego wzgórza więc w zależności jaką uliczką będziecie wracać z zakupami, będzie Wam mniej lub bardziej ciężko.
Wejście na zdjęciu powyżej znajduje się na początku jednokierunkowej Pike Place.

Pike Place Market in Seattle, Alley view
Pike Place Market in Seattle, Alley view

Pike Place Market ma kilka niższych poziomów. Na każdym różnorodność butików – sklepiki, dilerzy antyków, sklepiki dla kolekcjonerów, czy też restauracje…
Ale mnie największą radość sprawił poziom „ulicy”.

Pike Place Market in Seattle, Alley view
Pike Place Market in Seattle, Alley view

Prawdziwa orgia kolorów, zapachów, produktów.. Odzież, ręcznie robiona biżuteria, owoce&warzywa, kwiaty…

Pike Place Market in Seattle, Abundance of flowers
Pike Place Market in Seattle, Abundance of flowers
Pike Place Market in Seattle, Veggies stand
Pike Place Market in Seattle, Veggies stand
Pike Place Market in Seattle, Veggies stand
Pike Place Market in Seattle, Veggies stand

i ryby… Całe mnóstwo ryb i owoców morza…

Pike Place Market in Seattle
Pike Place Market in Seattle
Pike Place Market in Seattle, Fish stand
Pike Place Market in Seattle, Fish stand

To co najbardziej mnie porwało to produkty z Alaski… Prawie poczułam się jak na Alasce.. „Prawie” robi oczywiście różnicę.

Pike Place Market in Seattle, Fish stand
Pike Place Market in Seattle, Fish stand

I dla tych którzy zgłodnieli patrząc na tą jedzeniową orgię, było kilka propozycji bardziej lub mniej fast lub slow food.

Pike Place Market in Seattle, Bar-B-Que
Pike Place Market in Seattle, Bar-B-Que

Jedyne czego nie udało mi się zobaczyć, i czego bardzo żałuję, to łapanie ryb…

Może następnym razem!

I na zakończenie, kilka faktów dot. rynku Pike Place:
– Otwarty 17 sierpnia 1907,
– Jeden z najstarszych nieprzerwanie użytkowanych publicznych targowisk w Stanach Zjednoczonych,
– Nazwa pochodzi od nazwy głównej ulicy,
– Publiczny rynek z widokiem na nabrzeże Elliott Bay w Seattle.
Teraz wiecie już wszystko ; )

Odwiedźcie strone Pike Place Market’s tutaj: http://pikeplacemarket.org/

Albo osobiście – na pewno będzie to fajniejsze doświadczenie 🙂

Wikipedia says it is the 33rd most visited tourist attraction in the world. Hard to believe… I could easily think of many much more touristic attractions.. But who knows 😉

Pike Place Market in Seattle, Main entrance
Pike Place Market in Seattle, Main entrance

The Market is built on the edge of a steep hill, so depending which street you will take when leaving the market, it will be easier or less easy to carry what you bought.
The entrance at the pic above is at the beginning of the Pike Place (one-way street).

Pike Place Market in Seattle, Alley view
Pike Place Market in Seattle, Alley view

Pike Place Market has several lower levels located below the main level. Each with a variety of shops such as small family-owned restaurants, antique dealers or comic book and collectible shops.
But for me the biggest fun was on the upper street level.

Pike Place Market in Seattle, Alley view
Pike Place Market in Seattle, Alley view

A true orgy of colours, smells, produces.. Clothes, handmade jewelry, fruits&veggies, flowers…

Pike Place Market in Seattle, Abundance of flowers
Pike Place Market in Seattle, Abundance of flowers
Pike Place Market in Seattle, Veggies stand
Pike Place Market in Seattle, Veggies stand
Pike Place Market in Seattle, Veggies stand
Pike Place Market in Seattle, Veggies stand

And fish… Plenty of fish and seafood…

Pike Place Market in Seattle
Pike Place Market in Seattle
Pike Place Market in Seattle, Fish stand
Pike Place Market in Seattle, Fish stand

The part I loved the most was the „Alaskan” products… I almost felt like in Alaska.. Almost makes the difference of course.

Pike Place Market in Seattle, Fish stand
Pike Place Market in Seattle, Fish stand

And for those who got hungry by looking at this food orgy, quite a few places offered either faster or slower food.

Pike Place Market in Seattle, Bar-B-Que
Pike Place Market in Seattle, Bar-B-Que

The one thing I did not manage to see, and which I highly regret, was the fish throwing…

Maybe next time!

And to finish, a few Pike Place Market facts:
– opened August 17, 1907,
– open 363 days a year,
– one of the oldest continuously operated public farmers’ markets in the United States,
– named after the central street
– a public market overlooking the Elliott Bay waterfront in Seattle, Washington, United States.
Now you know all 😉

Visit the Pike Place Market’s website here: http://pikeplacemarket.org/

Or in person – for sure for a much richer experience 🙂


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